Original width: 1280
Original height: 1024
Aperture: unknown
ISO: unknown
Focal length [mm]: unknown
Program: unknown
Exposure Time: unknown
White balance: unknown
Flash: unknown
Colors: sRGB
Type of scene: unknown
Contrast: unknown
Saturation: unknown
Subject disctance: unknown
Model: K510i
Manufacturer: Sony Ericsson

Moja dobrá kamarátka Lucia ma prišla pozrieť z Brna do Prahy. Dnes ráno sme boli pozrieť Služby Božie v kostole sv. Michala a po nich sme sa vydali na Pražský hrad, Malú stranu až na Václavák. :)
if($this->user): ?>
if($this->user): ?>
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endif; ?>comments
if(!$this->commentslist): ?>

no comments yet, be first and express your thoughts :)
else: ?>

11:02:04 10.11.2008

23:35:21 09.11.2008