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prague trip by alanisko
my iPhone photos
December walk by mmirecekk
December walk through the Prague with my girlfriend.
Hard work, Dejvice by mmirecekk
Hard working in Dejvice, Prague.
The Third Semester Begins by andrej
After three months being home, it's time to go back to school. The seven-hour journey is quite exhausting but finally I arrived to Strahov, student campus in Prague.
Christmas time in Dejvice, Prague by mmirecekk
Some photos of Christmas time in Dejvice, Prague.
Walking down the street by andrej
Today after school I decided not to take the bus but walk by foot... It's just a nice relax for me - to watch the people and think about... well, anything what comes to my mind.
Vyšehrad, Prague by mmirecekk
The walk around Vysehrad with my girlfriend.
Leaving Prague by andrej
I'm going to spend this weekend in Dolny Kubin, my hometown.
Orchids from Prague by ondrejok
Skoda ze nesvitilo slunicko, akorat zacalo prset kdyz jsem tam vlezl. Pulhodiny cekani nez se odmlzi fotak....